Friday 1 February 2008

Writing CV

It is a New Year. I'd almost lost sight of that. To celebrate the New Year 2008, I thought I'd share with you my writing CV. And when I look at it, and see how paltry it is, it shall (I'm hoping) spur me on to improve by 2009!!!

Poetry: *Am not really a poet but dabble in it*

Poems included in Edge Hill's publication, 'Peggy's Blue Skylight', Issues No 3 & No 4, edited by Robert Sheppard.

Non-Fiction: *Lurve non-fiction*

2 Letters published in The Times Educational Supplement, 'Friday' magazine. 2002 + 2004.

Editing: What Shall We Write - An anthology of short stories by Year 4 children who attended my after-school writing club. The aim was that all profits from the sale of extra copies produced by the school would go into the English Department budget. 2003.

Article - won first prize for an article on 'Teacher Training', for ATL (Association of Teachers and Lecturers). 2003.

Two essays in The Road to Somewhere: A Creative Writing Companion Eds. Graham, et al. Palgrave Macmillan. 2004.

Fiction: *This is where I wanna be though*

'Bear Cubs' Short Sory published in Edge Hill's publication 'Two 4 Four', Issue 5, Spring 2002. The story was also broadcast on Radio Lancashire and was on their website for a time.

'The Little God of Insignificance' - Certificate of Merit at the Mere Literary Festival. 2004.

Short Stories - Commissioned to write a series of shorts for Young Voice - a children's charity. 2006.

Conference Papers: *Well 'paper' singular, but more to come, and got over the performance terror*

'From 7 Words a Day to The Squirms: Writer's Block - Myth or Reality?' 21 July 2007 at the Annual Short Story Conference at Edge Hill University.

This paper seeks to find an answer to the question of writer's block, and whether or not it is a reality, or an imagined condition. Drawing on a range of sources, from published writers to my own experiences, it is an investigative journey into writing processes and disruptions to those processes, arriving at the conclusion that perhaps such silences are indeed an integral and crucial part of creativity.

On-line Stuff: *Other stuff out there but you can jolly well find it yourself if you're that bothered!*

A Rainy Night in Malaga A short story that ended up here for some odd reason!
Spanish Tips at The Guardian

Current Work: *Need BIG KICK UP BUM with this one*

PhD: Out of Place: A Novel with an Exegesis: Hybridity in Form and Content.


Lane Mathias said...

Love your Spanish Tips!

Also just had a read of your very poignant Bear Cubs. Did you trace your birth family? A friend of ours has been tracing his and has found FIVE other siblings (all adopted) and is waiting to hear from a sixth. Their birth mother, sadly, didn't want conatact with any of them.

hesitant scribe said...

lane - yes, that story was written long before I had traced at a time when I thought it would never happen.

Since then I have traced and it has been a very positive experience for everyone, including my mum and dad. It was traumatic at first because I felt awful, as though I was betraying my parents, but I think everyone has come to terms with the situation now. We went over to Canada in 2002 and met my maternal biological family with whom I'm still in contact, and my parents are pretty chilled out about it all now!

I now have two families, and through it all, my mum and dad have supported me like the stars they are!

I'm very sorry for your friend whose birth mother didn't want contact, but you know, there's a reason for everything (trite but true). Such complex issues go on around these things, and no 'how to do it' manuals! At least he found siblings, eh!

Anonymous said...

You seem like you are doing very well to me!! wow! you put me to shame. You obviously have a lot of talent, and have passed it on to your daughter!

Moondreamer said...

Oh Wow!

Lisa, I hope writing it all down made you realise how much fab stuff you have already done, and inspired you to crack on with the PhD, it sounds fascinating.


Moondreamer said...

A Rainy Night in Malaga is lovely ... what a wonderful birthday!


hesitant scribe said...

mother x - thank you!

moondreamer - and more thanks - I think it does do us good to write it down, but am greedy and want to do a lot more - like make enough money to have horses... (Am I asking too much?!)

And it was a wonderful birthday! One of the best!